
1.Opioid/narcotic/morphine-like analgesics
2.Nonopioid/non-narcotic/aspirin-like analgesics

Opioid analgesics-
Depress CNS, produce physical dependence and have abuse liability.

Opioid analgesics:

Mode of Action:
Opioid receptor-U,k,d receptor(G-protein coupled,found principally in the CNS and GIT)
Morphine-u agonist (full agonist)
Pentazocine, nalorphine, Butorphanl - k agonist,u antagonist (agonist-antagonist)
Naloxone - Pure antagonist,used in morphine poisoning.(u,k,d antagonist)

Endogenous Opioid Peptides:
Endorphins(u), Enkephalins(d), Dynorphins(k)

Adverse Effect:
1.Drowsiness and sedation.
2.Suppression of cough.
3.Depresses respiratory center.
4.Hypotension, reduced cardiac output.
5.Nausea, vomiting.
7.Tolerance and dependence.

Opiate:A drug derived from the alkaloids of the opium poppy.
Opioid:A class of drugs that mimics the action of opiates.
Opioid Peptides:Endogenous peptides that act on opioid receptor.

Love is a powerful painkiller:
Intense romantic love is like a drug and can be as effective as morphine in relieving pain, says a new study.Scientists in the US tested the theory on a group of male and female university students who were in the passionate early stages of a love affair.The study showed that feelings of love, triggered by seeing a photo of one's beloved, acted as a powerful pain killer.